
A guide to buy-to-let

Buy-to-let properties can be a profitable investment, but you need an understanding of the tax implications to maximise your returns whilst ensuring compliance with HMRC’s guidelines. This guide will cover the tax considerations you need to know as a buy-to-let [...]

Director’s Loan Account

There may be times when a company wants to lend money to a director or a director lends money to a company. What is a Director's Loan Account? A director loan account can be made up of various items; [...]

Trivial Benefits

There will be occasions when a company may wish to provide small gifts to employees or directors. In this guide, we will explain what can be claimed and how much. What are the changes? Since 6 April 2016 the [...]

Setting up a Limited Company

Are you thinking of setting up a Limited company, and you're not sure where to start? No problem, Aardvark Accounting can help. This guide will help you to understand what a Limited Company is and what setting one up [...]

Paying a salary through a Limited Company

How is a salary paid through a company? This is the easy part, it’s simply a payment from the business bank account to the personal account of your employees. You need to make sure the payment that made is [...]