Focusing on YOU – practicing self-care when running your own business
Running your own business and trying to make it a success is hard work, let alone without the added stress of everyday living, running a home, looking after your family and pets, staying fit and healthy, seeing friends…. The list is never ending! So how do you ensure you’re also looking after yourself as well as growing your business?
In this blog we share our top tips for self-care, to ensure you’re looking after your number one client – you!
Burnout is real – take time each day for mindfulness during those stressful moments
When you’re busy working it can sometimes seem easier to get your work done and out of the way, rather than to take a break and continue when you’re feeling more refreshed. And just like a long car journey if you’re tired and don’t take a break, it can be dangerous. So, when you’re feeling up against it, be sure to take a step back and allow yourself to reset and approach the task at hand, rested and mentally ready.
Mindfulness is the practice of meditation, whereby you’re able to bring yourself into the present moment, thus giving yourself better mental clarity. It’s perfect for when your day is super busy, as it allows yourself to recompose your mind and body, and recentre where you are in your workday rather than always trying to race ahead. It doesn’t have to take long, just give yourself between 5 and 10 minutes of quiet dedicated mindfulness time each day, and you’ll soon start to see the benefits.
Share your workloads verbally with your friends and family
When it’s crunch time sometimes talking through your workload and concerns with someone you trust can help you get a bit of the stress off your chest. By having a listening ear you’ll feel both more emotionally and professionally supported, and have a secure space to share your concerns and celebrate your successes. By allowing others to see what your current workload is like, they may also be able to help more with your non-work commitments, and therefore take some of your day-to-day stress away.
Make time and space to celebrate your professional accomplishments
When you’re self-employed it can become the norm to go from job to job, but without taking the time to give yourself a break, reflect on the work you’ve just completed, and celebrate your wins you’ll have little motivation to start your next contract.
Whether it’s booking a holiday, planning a trip to see friends or family, or even going out for a nice meal, be sure to mark each milestone so you’ll have the time to sit back and reflect on the work you’ve just completed.
As you start to build your network with other self-employed business owners you could even plan meet-ups, where you discuss your current projects, your recent business wins and if you have any availability coming up. You never know who else might have an opportunity round the corner that might be a perfect fit for you, or maybe some business tips that could help you streamline your processes and reduce overall stress.
Be free from tax and accounting stress – with Aardvark Accounting
A big part of running your own business is your finances and tax management, and whilst you could do it all by yourself, who needs the added stress of keeping up with HMRC, tax legislation and ensuring you’re keeping the taxman happy? That’s where we come in! Here at Aardvark Accounting we keep things simple, by giving all our clients a direct line to their dedicated personal accountant, FreeAgent software to help you keep track of your business’ finances, and tailored tax advice to help you get the most from your business’ income. For more information and advice on how we can help you run your business’ finance and tax stress-free, get in touch today.
Note: All the information and advice in this blog post was correct at the time of writing.